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1990 - 1999

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The last decade of the 20th century brought about important and fundamental changes. Paragraph 175, used for over a hundred years as an institutionalized instrument against gay rights, is repealed. Homosexuality and heterosexuality are treated equally.

For the first time in German history of Germany same-sex partnerships are officially recognized.

Despite this enormous progress, the fact that Germany’s legislation still lags behind countries such as the Netherlands, Denmark and France should not be overlooked. Institutions including The Church and the armed forces support further discrimnation of homosexuals through outdated prejudices and opinions.


DDR: In Leipzig, the SVD ("Gay Association in the GDR") is established


In the television series "Linden Street" a kiss between 2 male actors, Carsten Floeter and Robert Engel, is shown on air. After the program is aired, there are numerous violent protests the program at WDR.


In Berlin 50 people are injured due to an attack on a local gay coffee shop led by 300 right-wing radicals.


The reunification of West and East Germany leads an imbalance concerning legal rights: Paragraph 175 still applies in West Germany; however, the DDR bans 175.  Therefore, gays and lesbians alike hold demonstrations in Berlin, calling for the abolition of § 175


An officer is degraded from his current post due to sexual relations with a subordinate. The judges justified the decision saying: "Homosexual activity with a subordinate is simply inexcusable, because it not only weakens the authority of those in command, but the obedience of soldiers as well..."


Archbishop Dyba of Fulda calls members of the Frankfurt AIDS "chaotic", "rampaging and AIDS Positive" and "vagabond gays" after they disrupt a service in the Dom. Furthermore, the archbishop’s letter stated: "In the Third Reich, the SA was once documented as appearing at Fuldaer Domplatz to “quiet” believers, but not even in the 3rd Reich did the Nazis invade the cathedral..." On 16 October a prosecution for libel, defamation and slander against Dyba is taken up.


Charlotte von Mahlsdorf is awarded the Federal Cross of Merit.


Rosa von Praunheim outs entertainer Hape Kerkeling and TV presenter Alfred Biolek on the RTL show "Explosive." This develops into a scandal that is debated by the media for weeks.


The WHO (World Health Organization) deletes homosexuality from the International Code of Diseases. Since the code’s first publication in 1948, homosexuality was number 302.0 on the list as a mental illness.


The Federal Constitutional Court rejects the petition of two gay men, who were denied by he marriage registry office in Nuremberg. The judged stated that a male and female pairing is the dominant feature oa a marriage.


The Bundestag passes a motion to get rid of § 175 StGB. The amended § 182 (Statutory Rape) now protects minors under 16 years of age regardless of gender from sexual abuse.


For CSD 1994 in Berlin, the website, the taz, appears as “Homo-taz.” including published articles exclusively by lesbian and gay writers.


Frankfurt: At the intersection Shepherd Street / Old Street a memorial in honor of homosexuals that were persecuted and murdered during the Third Reich is revealed. The memorial was designed by Rosemarie Trockel and is in the shape of a cross. In the middle stands an angel, whose slightly twisted head is being put back on. This symbolizes the violence that many gays and lesbians experienced during The Third Reich


A monument for homosexual victims is revealed on the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Dachau. The triangular stone in pink represents the pink triangle that the victims had to wear. It bears the inscription "killed - hushed.”


The day before the first CSD parade in Saxony-Anhalt police storm the gay bar "Zoom" in Halle. During the raid, the guests are forced to undress and lie on the ground. They are bound with plastic handcuffs, asked to give their personal details while being filmed with a video camera.


Eduard stack receives the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic for his dedication to the fight for gay rightsin the GDR. Stack is the founding father of the SVD.


USA: George Michael outs himself as gay. The pop star was arrested on 08/04/1998 for indecent exposure. However, in the end a scandal is avoided. George Michael goes on the offensive, speaking freely about his sexuality and receiving appreciation from both his fans and the media.


The SVD includes lesbians changing their name to LSVD.


Hamburg: For the first time in German history gay couples can register themselves by the State under the term “the Hamburg marriage.” However, this form of "marriage" is just a symbolic act and provides no legal advantages.


Munich: A gay couple is attacked during a visit to Munich, one of which is seriously injured. The perpetrators escape undetected.

Further attacks occur in Munich causing the U.S. Magazine "The Advocate" recommending people not to visit Munich.


Berlin: Federal Minister of Justice Däubler-Gmelin (SPD) promises to draft a law that would pave the way for lesbians and gays to obtain a legally recognized partnership. However, at the end of the year the law is not introduced.