Dienstag, 18. Februar 2025
Dienstag, 18. Februar 2025
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Freie Bahn für Genderwahn

csd campaign 2018

Colorful, powerful and proud - this is how the campaign for the HAMBURG PRIDE 2018 presents itself. Under the motto "Free Course for Gender Mania!", Hamburg Pride e.V. wants to call on CSD organizers to campaign for acceptance and diversity in the PRIDE WEEK 2018.

Our campaign answers the often asked question to the community: "What else do you want?". Among other things, the reform of the Transsexuals Act and the introduction of a third option in the civil status are urgent topics which must be implemented swiftly and in the interests of queer people. These rules and a respectful coexistence affect the personal life of LGBT + and must not be dismissed as alleged 'luxury problems'.

The campaign motif underscores this powerfully and playfully at the same time. We thank the team of the advertising agency elbspot for the graphic implementation of the campaign. The lovingly made bricolages result in individual figures apart from common categories and norms and invite you to reflect. They show the many facets of gender. This is emphasized creatively by using different motif variants for different advertising media. "Everybody is born with one gender - his own", as the patroness of the HAMBURG PRIDE 2018, Lucie Veith, points out.

The CSD campaign was first unveiled during Harbor Port Anniversary on Harbor Pride 2018. A next step was the use of the motif variants, among others in print ads and banner circuits, as well as city-light posters in Greater Hamburg. The PRIDE WEEK 2018 will take place from 27.07. until the 5.8. instead of. The political demonstration will start on August 4 at 12:00 in the Langen Reihe, the street festival runs from 3 to 5 August on the Jungfernstieg and the Ballindamm.

The Pride Salon Hamburg

The idea for this we borrowed in Cologne, where the Pride Salon has become a fixture for several years. For our salon in Hamburg, we have set up a separate Facebook page that you like to like and share. This site will then be informed in the future, which topics are discussed at the respective salon date. Here, too, your wishes and suggestions can and should be expressed to the two presenters Malte and Jens. Because the event lives on, that you participate.

We want to start the attempt, apart from the usual Vereinsmeierei with as many people to get into conversation - not only on the CSD, but far beyond. We chose the ZEIT-Café at Speersort 1 as location. We look forward to seeing you for the premiere. And then in the future every second Monday of the month.

translated with Google translator