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On July 12, 2017

the decision on whether the city will participate in the application for the direction of the EUROPRIDE 2020 will be voted on at the citizens' meeting. The Europride in Hamburg would be a great international symbol of tolerance and equal rights, which in 2020 would also fall to the 40th anniversary of the CSD (Hamburg Pride) in Hamburg. In the request of the Greens, it says: "With the EuroPride 2020 in Hamburg, the city of the European public can also present itself as a gateway to the world for LSBTI and thus work for a free and tolerant Europe committed to the protection of human rights. " Hamburg is a liberal and tolerant city and has a history with the equality of gays, lesbians, bi-, trans- and intersexuals. Since July 2016, Hamburg has been a liberal and tolerant part of the international Rainbow City network. In this context, the partner cities committed themselves to an active LSBTI equality policy and to integrate LSBTI topics into the city's strategic orientation. In 1999 Hamburg also set standards on the way to the "marriage for all" with the model of the "Hamburg marriage" relatively early in Germany.

Political demands 2017

1. We demand the opening of marriage for same-sex couples. By resolution of the German Bundestag of 30 June 2017 settled.

2. Until the marriage is opened, we demand the full legal equality of the registered life partnership. By resolution of the German Bundestag of 30 June 2017 settled.

3. We demand the full right of adoption for same-sex couples as well as equal access to reproductive medicine. By resolution of the German Bundestag of 30 June 2017 settled.

4. We require the addition of Article 3 of the Basic Law to the term "sexual identity". Only through this addition can full legal equality be achieved by lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals. The extended Article 3, paragraph 3 of the Basic Law must clarify in the future: "No one may be disadvantaged or favored for ... because of his sexual identity ..." Enlargement is imperative for lesbians, gays, transsexuals and intersex people to live law and legislation can no longer be treated as second-class citizens. The state must fulfill its duty here and protect sexual minorities.

5. We call for an explicit ban on the discrimination against transnational and intersexual people as well as comprehensive measures to improve their living conditions. The Maltese "Law on Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Gender Attributes" is considered to be the most progressive in the world. He and the Council of Europe Resolution 2048 on the protection of the rights of Trans * -people should orientate the legislation in Germany and abolish any stigmatizing special legislation for Trans * -people without compensation or integrate all trans-relevant human rights into existing laws. The modification of the gender and the name in official documents should be based solely on the self-determined decision of the person concerned - without compulsion to previous psychological assessments, medical treatments or operations. The possibility to register a third sex should also be possible. The cost of medical interventions for gender equality must be covered by health insurance. Trans * individuals may no longer be classified as psychologically ill by medical classifications. However, there must be the possibility of medical treatment. In addition to expressly prohibiting discrimination on grounds of gender identity, human rights standards should also be introduced at the international level, explicitly referring to the needs of Trans * people. Transactiv acts are to be classified as hate crimes and to be treated juridically. Trans * people and their organizations are to be involved in the drafting of legislation affecting them

6. We urge so-called hate crimes to be anchored explicitly in German criminal law on grounds of sexual orientation or identity and to take further measures to combat homo- and transphobia. The "sexual identity" criterion must also be explicitly named in the law on hate crime. In police statistics homophobically motivated crimes are currently not recorded individually, but only under "hate criminality" in the sub-item "Sexual orientation" - the terms homophobia or transophobia do not appear.

7. We demand that the compensation and nationwide rehabilitation of the homosexuals condemned under section 175 and the abolition of the corresponding judgments be finally passed in the current legislature period. By unanimous decision of the German Bundestag of 22 June 2017 settled.

8. We demand the abolition of the ban on blood and organ donation for men who have sex with men. We call on the Federal Chamber of Physicians and the corresponding institutes to follow the announcement of a "relaxation" of the blood donation ban for men who have sex with men. Hamburg has to put pressure on the federal government, the Federal Chamber of Physicians and the institutes to abolish the ban on blood donation for homosexual men. 

9. We demand the worldwide observance of human rights for homosexuals, trans *, bi- and intersexual people. The law, which was first enacted in Hamburg's partner city of St. Petersburg, which criminalizes homosexual and transsexuality alone, now applies throughout Russia. We urge the Senate, in the talks on the new town partnership agreement, to push this law back. But all members of parliament and the Bundestag are also called upon to use all political means to stop this discrimination. Russia is just one example among many. The examples of state discrimination and the restriction of the human rights of gays and lesbians show that there is still an acute need for action in the European Union! We therefore urge the European Commission, the Federal Government and the Senate of Hamburg to insist on the observance of human rights in all Member States on every occasion. The same goes beyond the borders of Europe. The international community must exert international pressure to stop homo- and trans-phobic laws. In dealing with countries where homosexuality is punishable - sometimes even with the death penalty - Germany must take a clear position! Human rights are indivisible!

10. We call for the implementation of the Lunacek report on combating homophobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity adopted by the Europaparlament. With the adoption of the so-called Lunacek report, the Europaparlament has made it clear that homo- and transophobia in Europe is no longer tolerated. This must be followed by deeds! We call on the European Commission to create an EU strategy against the everyday contempt for European values ​​through homo- and trans-phobic laws and homo- and trans-phobic practices. Candidates who are unwilling to do so may not be admitted to the European Union!

11. We demand a decent treatment and accommodation of LGBTI fugitives in Hamburg as well as a financing of advice, housing and assistance offers. We welcome the fact that Hamburg has created housing for queer fugitives. This course must be followed up and should not be lost even after the initial, acute urgency has subsided. The special protection needs of LBGTI fugitives must be taken into account. The existing consultancy and support structures of the Hamburg community must be adequately supported and expanded by the senate and citizenship. Queere fugitives are often in a particularly precarious position and need our support. Persecution on the grounds of homosexuality is recognized by the EU as a cause of asylum. Against the background of the violence and exclusion experienced in the homelands, for fear of further reprisals or shame, many victims conceal their sexual identity. Asylum seekers, however, can not be classified as unbelievable because they do not want to reveal intimate aspects of their lives in the credibility test. Corresponding "tests" on their sexual orientation are to be rejected. A state where LSBTI is persecuted or homosexuality is punished can not be a safe country of origin! The arrangements for so-called safe third countries must be revised with a view to safety for LSBTI * and women in general, as well as for the necessary medical care (for example HIV-positive). For the hearings before the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, free language assistants * who are trained and sensitive in LSBTI * courses must be available. The medical, psychological and psychosocial care of people without residence status is to be ensured permanently. People working with refugees (in refugee dormitories, authorities, etc.) must be sensitized and trained in LSBTI * courses.

12. We call on the Hamburg Senate to continuously implement the measures set out in the Action Plan to Combat Homophobia and Transphobia. We welcome the fact that the action plan was adopted after a long period of processing in January 2017. We call for the principles and guidelines laid down in the Action Plan to be implemented quickly in the various fields of action. Citizenship and the Senate are invited to provide the necessary human and financial resources.

13. We demand an active education and training policy as well as the nationwide anchoring of sexual diversity as an integral part of the teaching and / or education plans. We call for a continuous commitment by the Hamburg Senate to clarify the same-sex ways of life and sexual diversity in Hamburg's schools, as well as the extension of curricula to the history of LGBTI. Sexualpädagogik is to enable a self-determined, responsible and nonviolent intercourse with sexuality. It is intended to enable children and adolescents to be age-appropriate, target-oriented and valued with themselves and with what is present in their lifeworld. The Hamburg School Law stipulates that pupils are empowered to shape their relations with other people according to the principles of respect and tolerance. Teachers are responsible for the fact that students are supported by their sexual orientation and gender identity in their development and are not discriminated against in school day. The school law also stipulates that sex education is part of the teaching and in this context biological aspects as well as social aspects are taken up. The topic field acceptance of different forms of partnership, for example homosexual relationships, is also explicitly mentioned in the current Hamburg framework curricula as a task area for sex education. We demand that this is consistently applied to everyday school life.

14. We demand the active promotion of the reconstruction of LGBTI history, especially of homosexual persecution, through the city, the country and the Confederation. We demand that the LGBTI story be anchored in the Hamburg Museum: We are also a part of this city and its history! We also call for closer networking of research into LGBTI history. This means above all also a better financial support of the Association for Homosexuality and History (FHG e. V.) We welcome a stronger participation of the community in the processing of the LGBTI-history. In addition, a much better reception of the research results is required.

15. We urge the Hamburg Senate to constantly adapt the means of youth work for LGBTI to the actual requirements. In particular young homosexuals need support from public institutions during the still difficult phase of Coming Outs. Prevention and reconnaissance work is more important than ever! For this reason, we call on the Senate to ensure that the associations, institutions and sponsors have a sound financial foundation to carry out their tasks in full. Cuts are not acceptable!

16. We call on the Hamburg Senate to adapt the resources for HIV prevention and the projects it supports to the actual requirements. Although medical progress has led people to live with HIV for a long time, they still live with a disease. Enlightenment is still needed: not only to keep the number of new infections as low as possible, but also to provide people with a realistic picture of HIV and AIDS, which will clean up the terrifying images of the past. Positives are still frequently exposed to discrimination and stigma, many people are hiding from fear and shame and conceal their infection even in the closest friend and family circle. The resources for HIV prevention must therefore not be reduced, but must be adapted to the actual requirements.

17. We demand that the Hamburgische Seniorenmitwirkungsgesetz be amended so that the participation of older lesbians and gays in the provincial council. We welcome the fact that the Senate would like to take into account the different life plans and living conditions of senior citizens in the composition of senior citizens' councils at district and country level. We demand that in this balanced occupation of the Landessiorenbeirates with women and men as well as the assured participation of older people with a background of migration, older lesbians and gays will also be made visible and secure. The Hamburgische Seniorenmitwirkungsgesetzes (HmbSenMitwG) has to be amended accordingly. The principle of coping with the demographic challenges must be: Not on seniors without seniors.

18. We call for the inclusion of the LGBTI community in the occupation of the NDR Radio Council, as well as in the work of the Media Council of the Landesmedienanstalt Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. In the Broadcasting Council of the NDR, the range of social life in North Germany is mirrored: culture, business, politics, sports, churches, migrants and many organizations send their members voluntarily to this body. The LGBTI needs also have to be taken into account. The same applies to the Media Council of the Landesmedienanstalt Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, which is responsible for private broadcasting. Hamburg Pride also calls for the inclusion of a representative for LGBTI issues in the voluntary self-regulation body (FSK).

Translated with google 2017