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CSD Motto 2019


The next HAMBURG PRIDE is under the motto "Basically the same - for a better constitution". In this way, the 2019 Christopher Street Day puts the demand for a supplement of Article 3 of the Basic Law on sexual orientation and gender identity in the center. The motto was developed by association members and representatives of the Hamburg community.

 Stefan Mielchen, First Chairman of Hamburg Pride e.V .: "Already in 2009 we demanded in Hamburg with the CSD motto" Threesomes for the Basic Law "to supplement the equality principle of our Constitution with the characteristics of sexual orientation and gender identity. Ten years later we are not one step further in Germany. It is high time to adapt our constitution to social reality and to strengthen the protection against discrimination. For example, the AfD has already filed an application for the abolition of marriage for all in the German Bundestag. But also CDU Secretary General Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has made it clear on the occasion of her candidacy for the CDU chairmanship that in her view, the marriage should be reserved husband and wife. In many other areas of the public debate it becomes clear: equal rights for LGBTIQ are not set in stone. Our constitution must urgently strengthen our minority rights. "

Matthias Laiß, spokesman for Hamburg Pride e.V., adds: "Our rights must not depend on changing political majorities! They must be defended against backward tendencies. With the slogan we make a central political demand for legal equality. At the same time, the slogan offers a good opportunity for many initiatives and associations from the community to link up here and to design the motto in a variety of ways. "

Article 3 GG protects people against discrimination on grounds of their descent, language or their beliefs; However, sexual orientation and gender identity are not under this protection. A right of self-determination for trans * and intersex people is still not achieved. An amendment to Article 3 improves and safeguards the legal situation of LGBTIQ. Every queer person is part of society and should be able to develop without discrimination and fear - at work, in the family, during leisure time. Hamburg Pride e.V. sees in the debate about LGBTIQ rights also a force for the interests of homosexual, bisexual, trans * and interpersonal persons beyond Germany.

The PRIDE WEEK 2019 will take place from 27th July to 4th August 2019.